
We can ship to any country in the world even you only order 1 unit of our product. We can ship by either quick courier service which will arrive at your place from 2 days up to 7 days, or ship with a more economical way by sea.

If we have the stock for the units you are willing to order, we will arrange the shipping within two working days after the payment terms were met. The total delivery period depends on the delivery way you select. You can check with our sales department for the estimated delivery period for paticular destination

When you decide to buy Rising products, please let us our sales department (xxx@rising.cc) know the model number with quantity, together with your contact address, delivery address, preferrable port(for sea delivery only), contact person’s name and contact telephone number. We will then prepare you a proforma invoice for it.

We can ship to any country in the world even you only order 1 unit of our product. We can ship by either quick courier service which will arrive at your place from 2 days up to 7 days, or ship with a more economical way by sea.

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